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Do you need to be Flexible to become a Yoga Teacher?

Do you need to be Flexible to become a Yoga Teacher?By: Shikha Sundriyal Published on: 28/09/2024

Is flexibility important to become a Yoga teacher in 2025? Discover the truth behind the rising theory that equats Yoga with flexibility and what really goes into making a good Yoga teacher.

YogaYoga Teacher Training
Do you need to be Flexible to become a Yoga Teacher?

Can you become a Yoga teacher with no prior experience?

Can you become a Yoga teacher with no prior experience?By: Shikha Sundriyal Published on: 13/09/2024

Can you become a Yoga teacher without prior experience? This easy guide will tell you exactly how you don't need any prior experience in Yoga to become a successful Yoga teacher.

Yoga & MeditationYogaYoga Teacher Training
Can you become a Yoga teacher with no prior experience?

Why you should encourage your child to do Surya Jal Arpan

Why you should encourage your child to do Surya Jal ArpanBy: Neeraj Deshwal Published on: 12/09/2024

Have you seen your parents offering water to Sun in the morning, It is often considered a daily routine with religious significance, but the reason behind it is actually scientific.

Why you should encourage your child to do Surya Jal Arpan

Stress as a tool: How it is beneficial for you?

Stress as a tool: How it is beneficial for you?By: Neeraj Deshwal Published on: 30/08/2024

When you encounter a stressful situation, your body releases hormones like cortisol.These hormones if released in correct amount sharpen your..

Mental HealthPranayama
Stress as a tool: How it is beneficial for you?

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